The work was exhibited on two sites - as part of the show LKW-Lebenskunstwerke in the Kunsthaus Bregenz (img. top left) and at a public site, as part of the Kunst in der Stadt event which ran concurrently throughout the city.

The AVL-Canteen, by Atelier van Lieshout, also in the exhibition, provided a public show- and workbase for the Kunstdienst throughout the project (bottom images left). The pictograms were displayed outside the container on chunky wooden sign-posts, and Kunstdienst workers were present for conversations with the public.

The installation in the museum documented the project with objects and photographs. The conversation-transcripts were stored in a file and regularly updated by the Kunstdienst workers. They used a fax machine in the installation to send me new transcripts on a weekly basis. Inspired by a conversation, I replied with a weekly fax-drawing. This was then enlarged to A2 and pinned up as "Das Bild der Woche" (The picture of the week) in the container. Copies of all drawings were filed alongside the conversation-transcripts in the museum.

I was interested in creating simple connections between the museum and the public space, and displaying the same material in different contexts, therefore allowing different meanings and interpretations to come into play to overlapping audiences.

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